Tagging (not parsing)..
Part of Speech (POS) Tagging refers to a problem in NLP which requires to tag each word of a sentence in a natural language with an identification mark (related to its function in the grammatical structure of the sentence). For eg. NN for noun, singular, VB for verb, base etc. The first part of the project, which involves the text to bash command conversion will make use of POS tagging (I decide to scrap the usage of parser for now because tagging will provide enough data).
Here are the results of a POS Tagger (Claws), however since it is propreitary I will not be using this (alternatives are Open NLP Tools, Stanford University POS Tagger, Language Tool).
1.Play all songs by coldplay from album viva la vida and all songs by death cab for cutie (by Prateek Maheshwari)
Play_VV0 all_DB songs_NN2 by_II coldplay_NN1 from_II album_NN1 viva_NN1 la_FU
vida_NN1 and_CC all_DB songs_NN2 by_II death_NN1 cab_NN1 for_IF cutie_NN1
2. Find an application that edits photos. (by Prateek Maheshwari)
Find_VV0 an_AT1 application_NN1 that_CST edits_VVZ photos_NN2 ._.
3. Open bits mail. (by Nunna Jaikish)
Open_JJ bits_NN2 mail_NN1 ._.
4. Find TODO.txt in Home (by Brad Taylor)
Find_VV0 TODO.txt_NP1 in_II Home_NN1
5. Open this website related to the Indian history from the browsing history. (by me).
Open_VV0 this_DD1 website_NN1 related_VVN to_II the_AT Indian_JJ history_NN1
from_II the_AT browsing_NN1 history_NN1 ._.
The tagging is not completely accurate, as the "Open" in example 3 is incorrectly tagged as JJ ("adjective") instead of VV.
However, a few observations from the above examples-
1. The application that the user is trying to mention can be reasonably ascertained from the verbs.
2. The arguments for that command can be mined from the nouns or noun phrases (again reasonably).
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